2025 Creature in the Well懶人包,推薦清單整理


Creature in the Well

Unlock the power of an ancient facility and face the ominous, all-seeing Creature in this unique pinball-inspired hack & slash!

Creature in the Well for Nintendo Switch

Creature in the Well is a top-down, pinball-inspired, hack-and-slash dungeon crawler. As the last remaining BOT-C unit, venture deep into a desert mountain to restore power to an ancient facility, haunted by a desperate Creature.

Creature In The Well | Pinball with Swords

Creature in the Well is a pinball-inspired hack 'n slash for Xbox, Windows 10, Steam and Nintendo Switch, developed by Flight School Studio.

◎古蹟之謎◎ Creature in the Well (簡體中文, 韓文, 英文, ...

有著衆多海外獲獎經歷的動作遊戲, 用能量球聚集力量,往下一個關卡前進吧!

《Creature in the Well》

2021年3月25日 — 作為最後一支BOT-C 部隊,深入一座位於沙漠的山丘,重新啟動一個被一隻狂暴巨怪佔據的遠古設施。發掘並升級強大裝備,拯救幻影城市免受沙漠風暴摧殘。

購買Creature in the Well

Unlock the power of an ancient facility and face the ominous, all-seeing Creature in this unique pinball-inspired hack & slash!

購買下載版軟體|◎古蹟之謎◎ Creature in the Well

2021年10月21日 — 有著衆多海外獲獎經歷的動作遊戲, 用能量球聚集力量,往下一個關卡前進吧!